Comments on: Contradictions of the Qur’an a friendly response to Islam Fri, 24 Jan 2025 11:27:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: ابي يزن Sat, 28 Jan 2023 12:17:56 +0000 I entered the site and answered as many questions as I could, in short, they are very superficial questions.

2.1 Or was Jesus Aaron’s sister and his father’s daughter?
Wrong, in the Qur’an Harun is the brother of Moses, and as for Mary, she is the daughter of Imran and she has a brother Harun, who is not Harun, the brother of Moses, and we know that between her son Jesus and Moses about 1500 years.
2.2 False. Ibrahim Ibn Azar.
2.3 Wrong, we never said that.
2.4 Yes, he is a Samaritan.
3.7 The Christianity brought by Jesus and the Torah of Moses, yes, are acceptable because they unite God and they do not deny God.
4.4 God is nothing like Him.
6.1.1 Yes, it is the intercession of the Messenger of God, Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace
6.2 Yes, you bear the sins of the other if you wronged him or spoke in his honor.
6.3 Sins are forgiven by seeking forgiveness.
6.3.2 God does not forgive polytheism and forgives other sins if He considers that you deserve it.
6.4 It is not possible to marry a Jew or a Christian or others…etc until they submit to God.
6.6 Blasphemy, God knows everything.
7.2.2. Good and bad are from God, because he created the self, good with his spirit and evil with his soul.
7.4 If a hypocrite, polytheist or infidel obeys God and applies His teachings, he will be guided.
8.3 Drinking alcohol is forbidden, because he said, “Indeed, wine, sweeteners, idols, and divining arrows are an abomination from the work of Satan, so avoid it, so that you may succeed.”
8.4 They survived except his wife and son.
The Qur’an is clear, as it glorifies God and the prophets, unlike the Torah and the Bible.
9.4 God does not share with anyone in His kingdom as a god, but He made the servant a caliph on earth who rules with justice only. The slave has very limited powers
The Almighty said: “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except that they should worship.”

The problem is not whether this is her brother or not….etc
The problem is the disbelief that came explicitly in the Torah and the Gospel. Neither Moses nor Jesus made this disbelief apostate.

By: Adam Sat, 15 Oct 2022 07:29:31 +0000 Good job and categorisation! Another class of Quran contradictions occurs in the repetitions of narrative stories involving the same characters and events. For example the story of Pharaoh meeting his council is told twice in the Quran, but part of the dialogue is transfered from him to the council! Most of these contradictions were identified for the first time earlier this year. See or directly to the pdf

They have also been added to this popular list
